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About Us

1 or 2 breif paragraphs about the church

Any mission statement or other key info as well.

The E.C. Church Mission & Purpose

The purpose of the Evangelical Congregational Church, as a whole, is to know God and to make him known. The mission of the Evangelical Congregational Church is to raise up healthy churches proclaiming Christ to a hurting world.

The E.C. Church Core Values

  1. Have a passion for Christ as demonstrated by our commitment to the authority of the Bible, the centrality of prayer, and the pursuit of holiness.

  2. Compassion for the lost as demonstrated by evangelism and acts of mercy on a local, national, and global scale.

  3. Servant leadership as demonstrated by the training and development of men and women for mission and ministry.

  4. Healthy ministries as demonstrated by changed lives.

  5. Unity in the body of Christ as demonstrated by the members of our churches serving God together.

Trinity E.C. Church Purpose

Trinity Evangelical Congregational Church in Manheim exists for the glory of God and the benefit of people. Our central purposes are:

  1. To provide for the spiritual growth and nurture of the members, their families, and others in the community.

  2. To bring new people to accepting Jesus Christ as Savior through preaching, teaching, and witnessing, beginning in our own community and extending world-wide through mission outreach.

  3. To worship and praise God together.

  4. To provide opportunities for Christian fellowship.

Our Pastor:
Pastor Jeff Schell

a few sentences to a breif paragraph about our pastor. Preferably written in "3rd person." 


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