Our Ministries
Student Ministries
Sunday School, Wednesday Night Youth Group, Jr. Worship, Youth Retreats and more. Stop by and join us!
Trinity Worship Team
Leads worship during our Sunday Morning Services. The Worship Team includes a drummer, pianist, guitarists and vocalists that lead contemporary worship choruses.
Worship Night at Trinity
Join us for an evening of worship and fellowship. Contemporary worship songs and devotions led by the UNPLUG group.
See events calander for upcoming dates.
A female trio that preforms contemporary worship songs during our Sunday Morning Worship Services.
Trinity Choir
The Trinity Choir preforms gospel hymns regularly during our Sunday Morning Worship services.
At Trinity we have a committee focused on mission work. We support various missionaries who are working to expand God's kingdom world-wide.
Trinity VIPs
Voices In Praise
One of the larger special music groups at Trinity. Features a variety of instruments as well as vocalists that preform contemporary christian songs.
Comfort For Your Journey
A supporting group for widows and widowers. Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at Noon at the church.
Fellowship Breakfast
A gathering at Lititz Family Cupboard on the 3rd Monday of the month at 8am.
Prayer Group
The prayer group meets Wednesday Mornings at the church at 9:30am.
Movie Night
Join us for some snacks and a movie on a Saturday evening!
See the events calendar to see what we are showing soon.
Fellowship Luncheon
A gathering at the City Star Diner on the 4th Wednesday of the month at Noon.